Curriculum Vitae

Muhammad Nurjihadi, M.Si called Jihad is currently working as a lecturer and researcher in Faculty of Economic and Business of Sumbawa Technological University (UTS), teaching for Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Agricultural Economic, Political Economic, rural and agricultural economic and regional economic. Jihad was born in East Lombok on 10th of April 1990. He received his bachelor degree from Social and Agricultural Economic study program, Faculty of Agriculture of Mataram University in 2011. He awarded as the Best Graduates in the university in May 2011. He obtained his Master Degree from Bogor Agricultural University, majoring Regional and Rural Development Planning Sciences in 2013 with a scholarship from directorate general of higher education, Republic of Indonesia in Superior Scholarship Program (Beasiswa Unggulan).

When he was a student in Mataram University, Jihad have a lot of experiences as a student activist. He was active as a Head of Indonesian Union for Islamic Student Action (KAMMI) in Mataram University, Head of Mataram University Student Legislative (DPM), Minister of Internal Campus Department of BEM Unram, member of Student Press Organization, Head of Communication English Club (CEC), etc. in addition, he also has several student achievement such as a champion of speech contest, debate competition, and active contributing as a popular article writer in local and national newspaper.

Jihad began to focus as a scientist when he was a student in Graduate School of Bogor Agricultural University (IPB). He is a founder and the first President Director of Bogor Science Club (BSC) which he declared at the end of 2012. Scientific presentation is one of the annual program of that institution. Jihad was invited to present his scientific article in two international conference in Japan and France in 2012 and 2013. But he could not attend those conferences because of some unexpected reason.

Nama Lengkap : Muhammad Nurjihadi, S.P, M.Si
Nama Panggilan : Jihad
Tempat/Tanggal Lahir : Lombok, 10 April 1990
Golongan Darah : O

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